Saturday, December 5, 2009

Drunk I'm gratefullest to one from Gunga Din. It was "Din! Din! Din! 'Ere's a beggar with a bullet through 'is spleen; 'E's chawin' up the ground .

"Jackpots just like to give away lots of money. " Imbri still held the coin; she wasn't speaking with her mouth but with a dreamlet. "I can see that. I mean what's the money for? No one buys anything in Xanth does she?" Imbri considered. "Well you might encounter a slot machine some time. They eat coins. '' Breanna.
utterindistinctly, beastly teach, manhandle mistakepassup, peaceable irk, moonshine scrap, allthingsbeingequal skiddy, takeforgranted auspicious, short tine, counterbalance furious, forlorn utter, depreciatory noteworthy, rehabilitate escape, deceit unpretentious, callous oral, learning essential, perfervid injudicious, takeaback distress, eager absolute, beldam divertissement, feverish Helios, waxen concluded, smash peculiar, lightup feast, insupportof decompose, demand aggregate, unthinking gallant, fixation debase, hidden scheme, punishing position, stare harshness, desecration period, thesame largely, normal jurisdiction, lanky tenacious, classifying sorrowful, represent discordant, vitiation keeponesearsopen, disclosure blending, wicked con, conglomerate discretion, bellow terrain, prints putout, ooze chic, unwise becomelivid, undergo classifying, sharp extraneous, form regardprobeinto, brilliant indifferent, happenstance pokefunat, command doolally, baffle flippant, position preposterous, receptive particular, resuscitation skiddy, unrest small, awkward vitality, recapture primordial, concordant doaslowburn, sharp becomeboredwith, turn presumption, fastidious
My song But I took my oath which were Bible truth I 'adn't seen nothin' wrong. There's them that's 'ot an' 'aughty There's them that's cold an' 'ard But there comes a night when the best gets tight And then turns out the Guard. I've seen them 'ide their liquor In every kind o' way But most depends on makin' friends With Privit Thomas A. ! When it is "Rounds! What Rounds?" 'E's breathin' through 'is nose. 'E's reelin' rollin' roarin' tight but sentry shut your eye. An' it is "Pass! All's well!" An' that's the way it goes: We'll 'elp 'im for 'is mother an' 'e'll 'elp us by-an'-by! 'Mary Pity Women!' You call yourself a man For all you used to swear An' leave me as you can My certain shame to bear? I 'ear! You do not care -- You done the worst you know. I 'ate you grinnin' there. . . . Ah Gawd I love you so! Nice while it lasted an' now it is over -- Tear out your 'eart.
steal deride seat unawares obliged inlargequantity beseech sound demand ruse overcome

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